Platform 9, platform 10 nothing inbetween.
Ja... Då har man ju sagt Hej då till Maria för tredje och antagligen sista gången. Men vi ses ju om tio månader igen och vi kommer ju kunna hålla kontakten!!! Det finns ju så otroligt mycket man vill säga som man sen inte vet hur man ska uttrycka sig. Så det blev några hälsningar och många kramar... Du förstår nog inte hur mycket jag verkligen kommer sakna dig Maria, men det är otroligt mycket, du har liksom alltid funnits där i huset på andra sidan staketet. Många fler stora kramar till dig! You're Totally Awesome!

If you can see me now.
If you can hear me now.
So long, I will see you again.
I don't know how, and I don't know when.
But I've seen this phase before.
(Ah) Who knows what we leave behind?
What we had is surely hard to resign.
You keep me, I be coming back for more.
You and me go back a long, long time.
I know you well enough to, read your mind.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
I wait for a sign, to bring back the time.
This is my song for you.
It's been this way before.
You come and go, this time I'd had to know.
What goes on inside of you.
It's not so hard to see.
The consequences of the life that we leaved.
So tell me, what it means to you.
Sometimes it all come's shining through.
What I miss the most, is talk to you.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
I wait for a sign, to bring back the time.
This is my song for you.
Sometimes you far away from me.
Away to reach, and I do believe.
You're tired of making plans that no one's attended to keep.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you (If you can see me now.)
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you. (For you)
If you can see me now. (If you can see me now.)
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you.
If you can see me now.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you.
Tyvärr hittade jag inte det typ Latinska eller så är det italienska i låten :/ alltså det som du gillar :O Det är ju "ont i magen" låten :P :D Love that song!!!
Imorgon drar jag alltså, väskan står packad. Klockan fyra imorgonbitti åker jag hemifrån. Klockan sju går planet. Kommer fram runt 22.30 lokal tid, alltså runt sjutiden på söndagmorgon här i Sverige.
Ha det super duper mega bäst!
Hugs and butterfly kisses!

If you can see me now.
If you can hear me now.
So long, I will see you again.
I don't know how, and I don't know when.
But I've seen this phase before.
(Ah) Who knows what we leave behind?
What we had is surely hard to resign.
You keep me, I be coming back for more.
You and me go back a long, long time.
I know you well enough to, read your mind.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
I wait for a sign, to bring back the time.
This is my song for you.
It's been this way before.
You come and go, this time I'd had to know.
What goes on inside of you.
It's not so hard to see.
The consequences of the life that we leaved.
So tell me, what it means to you.
Sometimes it all come's shining through.
What I miss the most, is talk to you.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
I wait for a sign, to bring back the time.
This is my song for you.
Sometimes you far away from me.
Away to reach, and I do believe.
You're tired of making plans that no one's attended to keep.
If you can see me now.
I'm wasting my time, try to get by.
This is my song for you (If you can see me now.)
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you. (For you)
If you can see me now. (If you can see me now.)
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you.
If you can see me now.
This is my song for you.
If you can hear me now.
This is my song for you.
Tyvärr hittade jag inte det typ Latinska eller så är det italienska i låten :/ alltså det som du gillar :O Det är ju "ont i magen" låten :P :D Love that song!!!
Imorgon drar jag alltså, väskan står packad. Klockan fyra imorgonbitti åker jag hemifrån. Klockan sju går planet. Kommer fram runt 22.30 lokal tid, alltså runt sjutiden på söndagmorgon här i Sverige.
Ha det super duper mega bäst!
Hugs and butterfly kisses!